Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mother's Day in the Park

I was quite excited this year to officially celebrate Mothers day. I say officially because I have made Sam buy me Mother's Day gifts every year since we have been married claiming that I was the future mother of his children and that deserved to be celebrated.
On Mother's day, Sam made me oatmeal for breakfast and let me take a nice long afternoon nap. We then ventured to a park Sam had seen on the map that looked cool. We drove through the Los Altos Hills to Foothill (?) park only to discover you have to be a resident of Palo Alto (they check your ID as you enter) to be able to enter the park. Lame. Talk about being exclusive.
Anyhoo, we just decided to go to the park a few blocks from our house. We relaxed, played with Drake and had snacks. We took Drake down the slide for the first time and it was faster down than I thought a little kiddie slide would be. Drake and I just about flew out of the slide. Sam thought the look of shock and fear on my face was hilarious.
Sam and Drake got me a massage for Mother's day which I thoroughly enjoyed the following weekend. We ended up having cereal for breakfast that night though, but you can't have everything, right?


Jessi said...

What a beautiful family! And a fun Mother's Day! Miss you guys!

Farmgirl said...

He is getting so BIG!!

Joseph and Katie said...

What a cutie! Sounds like a great mothers day. So fun to see you in the blog world. Love to you.

Elizabeth said...

Just playing a little catch-up on you guys. Drake is so cute! And I can't believe he is getting so old. Time goes fast when they are little. Hope you're all doing good in CA.

Dr. aafb said...

Thanks guys. We are doing well in CA but miss our friends every where especially in Michigan!