Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Its time to start a blog

As everyone and their dog has a blog (I'm a poet and didn't even know it), I figured I might as well join the crowd. I am not usually one to always follow the trends, but as I am finally finished with school and a baby is approaching I figure I should make my entrance into the blogging world. I don't know if I will have anything profound to say about life, but perhaps those I know might find my take at the very least amusing...


redvultr said...

I'm already amused. What happens next?

Anonymous said...

Sweet! You're going to love it here. You'll be a natural - you've already got yourself a cool nicname and blog title.

Jessi said...

Welcome! You already have totally catchy name! I can't wait to learn all about the day to day happenings in your life! Loves!

Anonymous said...

Get bloggin', girl. I want to know what you're up to.

The Fast Family said...

I can't wait to hear about all that is happening with you! It took my friends twisting my arms before I would join facebook so I know what you mean about following the trends!