Friday, July 2, 2010

Fathers Day 2010

Father's day this year got off to a bit of a rocky start. We had spent the whole weekend with Sam's family and due to all the hustle and bustle I completely spaced it the morning of Fathers Day. I hurriedly was getting ready for church when my mother in law said to Sam, "Happy Father's Day, sweetie." I felt horrible. I hadn't made him breakfast, got his gift ready or even wished him a Happy day. It was terrible. I am still trying to make it up to him. We went to church that morning and spent the afternoon at Sam's aunt and uncle's house with his family. That evening I gave him his card (which I had previously bought proving that I didn't completely forget about the day) and promised him a whole day in which he could choose to do anything he wanted for the day. This could be with Drake and I or with out. Whatever he wanted. Despite my forgetfulness, I really do appreciate all my husband does as a father and am grateful for his role in our family and in the life our son. He is a better dad than I could have imagined!

The guys.

Uncle Eddy

Gigi rocking it.


Uncle Neb lookin' sexy as usual

Connor showing of his skills.

The man of the hour

Drake watches with awe.

Drake wants to play. He is so grown up!

The best dad ever. #1!


Jessi said...

Love the picture of Drake holding the ball. He looks so old.

Happy Father's Day, Sam!

redvultr said...

Don't believe the hype.

Molly said...

Happy Father's Day! So just yesterday I pulled into my complex and saw this guy walking down the parking lot and thought, "It's Sam!" And then I had to remind myself that you guys don't live here anymore. :( And then the guy got closer and he looked nothing like Sam. Hahahaha!